Tuesday, December 28, 2004

a Tsunami god...


some have stated that 9/11 was God's way of getting our attention...they always pointed to the fact that as americans, we all got together and prayed much more...when i suggested that it would be a very horrible, inhumane god to kill 3000 people just to get the attention of others, they balked at the idea...

so if we use the same reasoning, the tsunami that has claimed the lives of 55000 people (and counting), is yet another ploy of a god to get the attention of people...

the questions are paramount:

- whose attention is this god trying to receive?

- what does this god want from us since he/she has it?

- why does this stuff never happen in the states? (not that i'm fatalistic and want it to happen here - just asserting that tragedy here is on a much less grand scale than anywhere else in the world; we're an insulated people)

i just can't make sense of the death...and the destruction...


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